Tuesday, June 24, 2008

Keurig Single Serve Coffee Maker - Reasons to Own One

My story before owning a Keurig Single Serve Coffee Maker:

The first time I invited my friends over, for coffee at my home, I decided to prepare everything in advance, starting with the coffee:

• I took out the coffee maker, coffee and coffee filters.

• I was ready to measure the coffee, when I realized that I didn't know the exact coffee measure for serving 7 friends (I knew my measure for 2 cups of strong black coffee) and what if they didn't like strong coffee? I thought: well, I can't satisfy everyone, so they will have to drink what I brew for them.
• After a while of making calculations, I measured the coffee, water and everything was set.

• Oh wait, I had to boil water for tea (more work, I was running out of time).

I turned the coffee maker on and started to prepare some sandwiches, I was on the middle of a layer of ham when I heard some noises and realized that something was wrong...when I turned my ahead to the coffee maker I almost collapsed, there was a mess, all the water mixed with coffee was bursting out of the coffee maker, spilling in the floor, counter top and reaching the stove....what did I do wrong?

When I manage to turn off the machine I saw my mistake:

• Bad placement of paper filter, when I inserted the coffee filter basket in the coffee maker, with the paper filter full of coffee, it moved a bit to one side and that was enough for the hot water to finish the work of completely moving half of the paper filter to the side and provoking a thick dark mixture of coffee and water that forced its way out.

To make the story short when my friends arrived, I was just finishing the clean up, no food, and no coffee, so we ended up going to the nearest coffee shop.

A couple of days later, I discovered Keurig Single Serve Coffee Makers, also called Keurig Single-Cup Brewers. That was the end of my messy coffee making experiences, and the beginning of an amazing brewing get togethers.

What is a Keurig Single Serve Coffee Maker?

Keurig Single Serve Coffee Maker is an innovative system that allows you to brew fresh premium coffee, tea or cocoa, one cup at a time, in less than a minute.

How does Keurig Single Serve Coffee Maker works?

Keurig Single Serve Coffee Maker uses K-Cups, which are cups that contain a filter with exact portions of previously measured coffee, tea or cocoa, air tight sealed for protection. All you have to do is insert the K-Cup to the machine and in seconds, pressurized hot water, at the ideal temperature, brews a single cup of perfectly brewed coffee, tea or cocoa. Discard the K-Cup when finished.

Reasons to buy a Keurig Single Serve Coffee Maker:

• Have your favorite hot beverage freshly brewed in less than a minute.
• You get to choose from the different variety of K-Cups to brew in one machine without mixing flavors.
• You don't have to stick to the boring already brewed pot of coffee; you can choose the K-Cup that fits your mood.
• You don't have to think about handling filters, grinding beans, measuring coffee.• Easy to use, with no mess, saves you time and work.

Bye, bye regular old coffee maker!

Did you find this information on reasons to own a Keurig Single Serve Coffee Maker useful? You can discover the best places where you can get your Keurig Single Serve Coffee Maker online by visiting my site:Keurig Single Serve Coffee Maker Online